We at Ahimsa Meditation prepared several online courses that you can study at your own pace and then use our tutor's assistance whenever you need to ask questions, clarify anything or simply get feedback. It is all for free, all we ask is that you stay in touch with us – press below to subscribe to our newsletter and feel free to download any of our courses for free. Enjoy! 

Meditation For Beginners

Everyone can learn how to meditate. Please download our guide and we show you how.

Nutrition of Nonviolence

Healthy plant-based nutrition: why and how to adopt? Check out our course to learn.

Vipassana Meditation Course

Insight meditation to develop your meditation practice and gain more clarity, calmness and stability.

Meditations for Stress, Anxiety, PTSD

Choose from one of our tailored meditation practices for stress, depression, PTSD or anxiety.

Basic Meditation Practice

Read our meditation instruction online or download a pdf file. This simple meditation for beginners guide is based on concentration on breathing, which is fundamental to any meditation technique. We offer an online assistance of our meditation teachers, simply shoot us a message and we are happy to help. 

Nutrition of Nonviolence

Based on hundreds of scientific literature, we have worked out faultless recommendations for a healthier nutrition and lifestyle. This free course on nutrition covers how poor nutrition choices translate in human violence, various lifestyle diseases and even poorer mental health. We have developed a multi-step framework and are working on a more robust set of recipes to make it really easy. In the meantime, please read our article online or download our course file in pdf format and contact us with any questions or guidance requests. 

Insight Meditation Practice: Vipassana. Loving Kindness and Compassion

A very straightforward meditation course on Vipassana or Insight Meditation (here is our article on insight meditation online or simply download a pdf file). This course also focuses on metta (loving-kindness) and compassion aspects of meditation. We recommend that everyone first becomes familiar with concentration meditation first prior to developing their practice in insight meditation. Please get in touch with any questions about this vipassana meditation guide. We are happy to guide you and help with your insight meditation practice.

Tailored Meditation Practice: Mindfulness Meditation for Anxiety

As we live in an age of anxiety, there is an increased need for such a tailored practice that targets anxiety and stress. We at Ahimsa Meditation offer a few contemplation practices that will help to lessen one's anxiety levels and live with a much needed emotional stability. This short course features scientific research that proves the efficiency of mindfulness meditation to work with anxiety, mindfulness meditation instructions and guidance. We are looking forward to your feedback and please do get in touch for any help needed. 

Tailored Meditation Practice: Mindfulness Meditation for Depression

Depression is a serious mental health issue that affects thousands. Unfortunately, our current busy lifestyle and manic schedules create unrealistic expectations, enormous stress and a feeling that we constantly lack something. It contributes to increased feelings of sadness and loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyed. There is an increased need for a tailored meditation practice that targets depression. We hope that continuous use of our instructions will help everyone who experiences depressive disorder to overcome it. We are looking forward to your feedback and please do get in touch for any help needed. 

Tailored Meditation Practice: Mindfulness Meditation to help with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

We aim to engage with ex-military, police force, ex-prisoners and victims of violence or sexual abuse to help them overcome these types of enormous trauma. We at Ahimsa Meditation offer a few contemplation practices that will help to lessen one's stress levels and live with a much needed calm, emotional stability and inner peace. We offer guidance to mindfulness meditation that aims to help with PTSD. Please do get in touch for any help needed. 

Coming soon: Ahimsa Business Practices. Nonviolence in Digital Marketing and Startups.

Nonviolence spreads further and becomes everyone's lifestyle. In this course that is coming soon, we promote ethical business practices, economy of enough, startups, mindful living and consumption .

Coming soon: Ahimsa Meal Plans – Recipe Book 

Let's cook up a storm using our nutrition of nonviolence recommendations. We are getting all our recipes together to develop easy-to-use meal plans and guides. Nutrition of Nonviolence is easy, healthier for you, cheaper than average and save lives of billions of innocent animals. What's not to like?

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